Wednesday, December 7, 2011


MUSIC underground musical nuances often considered violent. That's because the themes of his music that often brings about death, torture, hell, life after death, criticism, protests and criticism.
Especially with events at AACC Building London, a concert that led to death undergriund, thicken the negative image.
When in fact had nothing to do with the violent underground music, let alone be the cause of the tragedy of death at AACC Building.
Track how musical journey actually considered radical extreme because lirinya lyrics that are far from being beautiful?
"Underground grown in Indonesia in the early era of the 90s. First, the flow is identical with wayward children, "said Ken-Ken, former vocalist underground in Jakarta, Sunday (10/2).
The early growing among wayward children made underground stream known as extreme. Predicates more viscous when it's time underground concerts often spawned a riot. Ken-Ken said, usually in concert underground music that has emerged subgender subgender the supporters and the supporters of the other also.
"Which of punk has his own supporters, who also have a metal itself. Initially only sneered-mockery, and noisy inside. Things like that are common, especially in small towns, "said the man born in Surabaya.
Meski Kenken said there was a riot in the history of underground music concert, Sing music vocalist Ken-ken is called, it's never as bad as what happened in London on Saturday (9/2) nights. Moreover, he said, underground enthusiasts is now more mature, more intelligent in channeling their musical ideals.
"I've never recorded a riot that never happened. But never this bad, "Ken-ken continued despite claiming inactive, but still often appear in concert underground.
Jazz singer who is also often present in underground music concerts, Syaharani
also mentioned, compared to the 90's era, underground musicians are now much more mature. Rani, vocation, pleaded not agree with the label given to a radical extreme underground musicians. He said, now, enthusiasts underground level of education and the appreciation of music is another level.
"They do have their own ideals, and they wanted to prove that their idealism is no less well with the music industry. And I think that the development of ways of thinking and ways of doing business young children. They want to have their own associate. There are a lot of really positive things in this underground community, "said Rani.
Syaharani do not want to mention the fateful events in London distimuli by loud music flow carried by Beside a punk group. He was more than happy to discuss security procedures a concert. Because, he said, there was no difference between people who are underground and not underground, they are equally human.
"No matter what kind of music because the same human valuenya know. His name can come disaster indiscriminately musical genres. Organizers should really pay attention to security issues. If you are in London it's a problem beyond the content of his art "says Rani who claimed infatuated with underground music since 2001

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