Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Jakarta-metal music world was never no end to talk about. Besides the well-known genre hard, the appearance of its members were so quirky as tattooed, have piercings and unusual hair styles.
This time some members coming from different metal Jakarta and Indonesia taking the time to do a public lecture or a public lecture that would make the flow of metal music as its main topic.
The event was held on Thursday (20/12) in Coffeewar, East Kemang, South Jakarta is trying to show to the public about the world of metal music academic spectacles. "During this time the public at large to see the world as a stream of hard metal, but on this occasion we want to show that the world of metal and its members can also be included in the academic world, "said Yuka Dian Narendra as the speaker and members of the Indonesian metal a doctoral candidate from the University of Indonesia.
The event was at this time the topic "History of Metal Indonesia" recounts the early generations of metal flow that appeared in the late 1980's and continues to experience growth and change until the fifth generation in the 2000s.
Various changes in the world of metal is also influenced by technological development. In addition to technology limitations, high cost of making the song also an obstacle for the development of Indonesia's metal, and it is a part that can not be separated from the development of Indonesia metal world.
"Me and my friends who are members of the metal community will continue to hold a public lecture this month and of course with interesting topics without getting out of the glasses so that the academic community does not have negative thoughts about the world of metal

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